First Globalization
Dish with a Trophy of Arms
Dish Decorated in the Saz Style
Portable Temple, Called Bure Koula
Indian Ewer Embellished in Italy
Dish with Tracery and the Bust of a Woman
Allegory of Arithmetic
Canister Tower
Dish Decorated With a European Ship
Hunting Scene Illustrating the Month of September
Pair of Folding Screens Showing the Arrival of Portuguese Merchants in Japan
Commode Decorated with Red Lacquer from China
Falconer’s Feed Case, Decorated with a Coat of Arms
Door Knocker with Mythological Figures
Dish with a European Ship
Jug Decorated with Images of Ships
Jug with Saz Leaves and Roses
Jug with Saz Leaves, Tulips and Hyacinths
Jug with Single Red Tulips in Saz-Shaped Cartouches
Jug with Pomegranates and Cintamani Design
Dish with Cintamani Pattern
Dish with a Cypress Tree
Dish with a Green Ground Arabesque Medallion
Red-Ground Dish, with Prune Leaves
Green Ground Dish, with a Floral Decor
Dish with Lyre-shaped Saz-leaf Cartouche Enclosing Exotic Blooms
Dish with Scales and a Pair of Saz Leaves
Dish with Scale-pattern Design
Jug with Scale Decoration
Dish with Scale Pattern
Dish with a Symmetrical Bunch
Dish with Gilded Rose and Tulip Decoration
Dish with Roses and Tulips
Dish with a Big Rolling Saz-leaf
Dish with a Rose Enclosed Within a Large Saz-leaf
Dish Decorated with a Large Palm Leaf
Dish with a Blue Saz Leaf, Dotted Tulips and Roses
Dish with Four Flowers
Dish with Spotted Tulips, Saz Leaves and Marguerites
Rimless Dish, with Roses, Hyacinths and Spotted Tulips
Dish with Narrow Border, Decorated with Carnations and Tulips
Jug with Tulips, Carnations and Hyacinth
Dish with Roses, Tulips and Hyacinthe
Rimless Shallow Dish with Roses and Spotted Tulips
Dish with Rose and Tulip Decoration
Dish with Tulips, Roses and Carnations and a Little Vase
Dish with Roses and Composite Blooms
Dish with Blue Tulips and Red Carnations
Dish with Tulips and Carnations
Jug with Small Bunches
Dish with Floral Decoration
Dish with Roses and Edging with Sprays of Roses and Tulips
Tower of Babel
The Embarkment of the Emperor of China
A Chinese Scene
The Breadalbane Vase
Astronomicum Caesareum, Treatise on Astronomy
Collection of Texts on Astronomy, Medicine and Logic
Table Top known as "Tavolino di Gioie"
Blue and White Dish with a Lotus Bouquet
Portrait of an African Woman
A Burmese Delegation at the Mughal Court
Hunting Scene Illustrating the Month of January (The Hunts of Maximilian)
Hunting Scene Illustrating the Month of August (The Hunts of Maximilian)
Hunting Scene Illustrating the Month of November (The Hunts of Maximilian)
Casket Decorated with Animal Scenes
Pair of Folding Screens with Maps of Japan and the World
Astronomical Treatise Restating the Ancient Theories of Ptolemy
A Chinese Scene
Celestial Globe
Map of the World